We've been watching how the maples are changing color from top to bottom. Then on October 12, quite premature, the leaves had to hold some white stuff for a few hours before it melted away. We are not supposed to get that stuff until the leaves are long gone... I'll have to admit that the snow was gorgeous as it came down all fluffy, but it would have been much more appreciated if it were December 12! I just would rather not be rushed into the frigidness that comes with MN winters! (The kids got the morning off to enjoy the snow as I knew it would be gone by afternoon. They hauled out the hats, boots, snowpants, and sleds and were in their glories!)
Nice Blog! I used to have the Nature Study Handbook by Comstock but I don't know where it is now... I love Nature Study. My Mom did it with us kids when we where little too though she didn't read any book on it. She was a natural HSer! The other day I found my Dad's nature journal!!! He was born in 1912! So perhaps it is a good thing that my mom saved EVERYTHING... Even if I have to figure out how and where to store it!